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Bible Quotations

Calvin Coolidge

Dag Hammarskjöld

Stephen Covey

Adlai Stevenson

Erma Bombeck

Stunning Quotes on Procrastination



Loretta Young: "I believe that if we have lived our lives fully and well, and have accomplished, at least in part, the things we were put here to do, we will be prepared - mentally, physically and spiritually - for our separation from this world."

"Our human connections are guided by God, and ultimately all of us are linked through His love. Thus, we have all already met, not as actress and fan but as His children, and we can never be lost to each other."

Stephan R. Covey: "The abundance mentality. It teaches don't keep pulling up the flowers to see how the roots are coming. Be patient. You can't violate this process. Like the law of the farm, you have to plant, and nurture, and weed and water. Then the harvest. You can't go into a crisis mode. There is no quick fix. There is no cramming system that will work. To emotionally get settled on this is humility. And what courage it takes to live that way, and what integrity it produces." from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Dr. Jane Goodall: "It's easy to become hopeless. So people must have hope: the human brain, the resilience of nature, the energy of young people and the sort of inspiration that you see from so many hundreds of people who tackle tasks that are impossible and never give up and succeed.”

If you're looking for something really specific, check out this site: (classical quotes mostly)